Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Prizes of the Easter Egg hunt!!!

First, prize of the night....Found Grandma's teeth below the sink in the bathroom.  Thank the Lord, she can eat breakfast tomorrow!!!  Definitely going to wash them first!  She went to great lengths to hide them this time. Unbelievable!!!

Second prize of the night, I managed to get my great Uncle Holland's letter to my Aunt Ruby, grandma's sister.

The letter states:

May 13, 1944

Hello Darling,

Hope this finds you well and doing fine.  This leaves me still doing ok and well.  Had two sweet letters from you today and darling you didn't know how glad I was to hear from you and to know you was well.  When  hear from you darling, I don't worry.  But you know we get Blue and think of home and what we usto do.

Sometimes I wonder if I will every see you and the other people again, darling.  I hope and pray you will still be waiting when I come back, darling.  I now it's a long time to wait.  But darling, you know that I can't help it.  I want you to go and enjoy yourself but don't forget that you are still my darling wife and I love you with all my heart and wouldn't do you wrong at all and I pray that you will do the same by me.

I sure hope your mother will soon get better and able to do her work.  Yes, darling I was well when I received your letters and my hand is about well now, so guess I am doing the best I can.

 We have worked most every Sunday since we landed over here and tomorrow tomorrow is Sunday.  Don't know yet if we will work or not.  I I had my Plymouth car over here I would ride around and see some of this part of the world.  Well darling will go now and write mail next time.  Be real sweet and please don't worry about me.  All my love to you darling now and forever.

Letter from Uncle Holland...So Sweet!

Good nite good luck and may god bless you is my prayer.

Sweet dreams darling
your true love

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